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DLT school with enterprise cooperation take a new journey
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In May, with the fragrance of a lightsummer, a clear and elegant dream, together with the rich rich in May, with thewind brought a good news, at the time of the establishment of the Company 2ndanniversary, the work of De Li Tai to a new journey.

In May 18th, the school of materials andengineering, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, held the signing andlisting ceremony of school enterprise cooperation with Foshan De Li TaiTechnology Co., Ltd.

      At 9:30 inthe morning, Professor Zhu Jianfeng, Dean of the College of materials andengineering of Shaanxi University of Science and Technology and a doctoratetutor, came to the new factory of De Li Tai. The deputy general manager ofFoshan De Li Tai Technology Co., Ltd., who was waiting in the factory, steppedforward and welcomed the guests. In a warm and peaceful atmosphere, the guestsentered the "Green R&D Center" of "green intelligentceramics and new materials complete equipment research and developmentcenter", and co - operated the development of cooperation. At 9:40,"Shaanxi University of Science and Technology excellent engineer educationpractice practice base" and "Shaanxi University of Science andTechnology production research and research cooperation base" areofficially listed. Zhu Dean and Jing general handshake hands, jointlyunveiling, and the opening ceremony of the licensing of XiongLianggao, thegeneral manager of the research and Development Center Fang Junrong, manager ofthe Ministry of government.

Then, Jing always leads the guests to theworkshop, and visits the experimental center, the production department, thestorage department, the electrical work room, the logistics department and soon, and carefully introduces the operation of the factory to the teachers. Whenwalking to a production workshop, the automatic welding robot is in a tight andorderly welding frame, and the laser cutting machine is automatically arrangingthe cutting steel plate. Jingtai proudly said: "at the beginning of theestablishment of the company, we set high standards, strive to achieveautomation and standardized production, liberate labor force, and focus oninnovation. Therefore, our kiln frame was designed with automated productionprocedures at the very beginning, with regular framework and fine weld. Then,Jing always introduces the equipment to the teachers, such as double deck kiln,seven layer high efficiency kiln and advanced multi-function storage machine.The product will be unveiled at the end of this month at Foshan Tan ZhouInternational Ceramic Exhibition. Teachers are welcome to come and guide.President Zhu appreciated the continued creativity of delightd and accepted theinvitation to the exhibition happily.

Following the teacher's visit, there are 11undergraduates from the excellent engineer class of the school of materials andengineering, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology. It is reported that,as early as April, Shanxi University entrusted with the training of his undergraduatestudents. The 11 students were stationed in different departments of De Li Taito study the design, production, installation and service process of thepottery equipment.

After visiting the production workshop andreturning to the conference room, Zhu dean asked the students about theinternship with concern, and had a long time to communicate with the students,encouraged the students to learn more from the class teachers, combined thebook knowledge with the production practice, and began to live up to the titleof the "excellent engineer" class and not to live up to the title ofthe "excellent engineer" class. Negative training in hand handle byteachers. When president Zhu looked at the prescription samples made by thestudents and learned that the students' weekly internship reports should becorrected and explained by De Li Tai's class teacher, Dean Zhu exclaimed thespirit of seeking truth and pragmatism by the engineer, and encouraged thestudents to continue their efforts and continue their efforts.

In the conference room, Vice President DeLi Tai, Jinghai mountain, welcomed the teachers' arrival, thanked the ShanxiUniversity of trust, expressed confidence in the scientific and technologicalinnovation of the school and enterprise, and was full of hope to theoutstanding engineers in the future, and encouraged the students to come to DeLi Tai to develop together after graduation. At the same time, we also putforward higher requirements to the leader of the practice department of De LiTai. It requires the following professional technicians to systematicallyexplain the plan of the whole line planning for the ceramic factory, and takethe students to visit the ceramic factory, understand the process of producingthe ceramic in the whole line, and achieve the combination of theory andpractice. Every step of the student's progress is the progress of schoolenterprise cooperation.

At the end of the meeting, the two sidesheld a signing ceremony for the joint training of excellent engineers, and theShaanxi University of Science and Technology took De Li Tai as one of thefuture "practice bases of excellent engineers education practice". Onbehalf of Shanxi Ke Da, president Zhu presented a famous calligraphymasterpiece "far sighted" to De Li Tai. Jing general said that thehistory of seal script calligraphy has a profound history and a profoundmeaning, and we hope that the cooperation between us is also the representativework of both sides.

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