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Heavy news, school and enterprise training common progress
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FoshanDLT science and TechnologyCo., Ltd., as the "practice base of excellent engineers education" inShaanxi University of Science and Technology, not only has the careful guidanceof class teachers, but also provides many opportunities for practice and study.In order to make the "excellent engineer" interns more deeply understandthe enterprise, understand the ceramics and production process and process, andcombine theory with practice, in July 4th, under the meticulous arrangement ofthe personnel administration department, the company organized the companyprofessionals to train the students more systematic knowledge, and took theteam to the factory field visit. The training has also attracted other membersof the family.

The training course was first taught by Lin Xiaoping,manager of the project planning department, "the whole line planning ofceramic line". In view of the overall situation, manager Lin introducedthe grand blueprint for the production line of ceramic enterprises, and thengradually decomposed the material shop, the molding workshop, the burningworkshop, the polishing shop and so on according to the production process, andshowed the students the basic recognition of the ceramic factory.

Then, ZhongLusheng, chief engineer of the R & Dcenter, explained a ceramic production technology course for students. From threeaspects of ceramic product condition, common ceramic process flow and ceramicproduction technology management, Mr. Zhong explains in detail from shallow todeep, and answers the questions put forward by students. The students listencarefully and concentrate their records carefully and show positive andenthusiastic attitude. Finally, Mr. Zhong explained the "PDCA"management mode, hoping that the students would master more productionmanagement methods, make persistent efforts and strive for greater progress.

In the last lecture, Jing Haishan, vice president ofproduction and technology, gave a detailed introduction to Li Tai familyceramic whole line equipment. High efficiency, environment-friendly andenvironmentally friendly raw materials, China "first brand" of HLTceramic press, the "energy saving master" of the name and green kilnand green kiln and innovative technology and the creation of many of the firstdryness, burning star products, students have a great interest and interest.

After the full dry goods were filled in the morning,Mr. Zhong and Lin led the students to visit the European ceramics factory inthe afternoon and instruct the unintelligible processes and problems on thescene.

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Add:No.25(8F), Zone C, Sanshui Technology Industry Zone, Foshan, Guangdong.
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